Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Night

This weekend was busy busy, but good!!! I am now waiting for some yummy pizza while the boys play video games. I get my chance here and there, but then I die and decide that its time for a break. My thumbs are sore now, so I need a break and it makes it hard to type without the thumbs!!! Ill get my chance to show off my yoga skills with the Wii Fit here in a bit!!!

The rest of the weekend was good!!! Even though I lead a training all day on Saturday and then had an hour and a half drive home due to a major wreck on MoPac (very sad situation but very glad no one was killed, apparently, a women driving N on MoPac came across the median and hit an elderly lady in her car, then proceeded to hit another car with a women and her two infant children. One was only 6 weeks old while the other was 20 months. Luckily both babies are ok. At the same time this wreck happened two other major wrecks occurred in the area. I had to turn around and head back North to find another way South!!!). Needless to say that I did not get to spend time with Mace at the Dog Park. I did get to spend some time just hanging out that night.

Sunday was good. Church was great and the sermon fit what has been going for me, which was great. God has such a way about doing that!!! Working with the kids was good as well. Its nice to have new volunteers, it helps with the stress level. However, I was out of comission due to the fact that I had one little sleepy one. For those who know about me working with these kiddos, he is one of the ones who is there every week and comes to all three services due to his parents serving and attending service. He is not one to be quiet, but this week he came in and went into hiding. I found him hiding in the corner. I asked him what was wrong, but he didnt want to chat, he just fell asleep in my arms. Oh so sweet. He was out too, we dont have the space to allow them to sleep, so I had to hold him the entire time and he despite all the moving I did, he never once woke up. Sleeping babies are sooo sweet. Makes me want to have some!!! Yes, thats right I said have some :) The rest of the day was full of errands and just chillin!!! Ok, enough talking now, I know I must have had to bore you, but I so wanted to talk about my precious little angel. Hope you all have a great week and I will see you all soon.

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